
Lease Option

The New Western Team


A lease option, in real estate investing, refers to a contractual agreement between a property owner (the lessor) and a potential buyer (the lessee) that grants the lessee the option to purchase the property at a predetermined price within a specified period of time. This arrangement allows aspiring real estate investors to control a property without immediate ownership, providing them with the opportunity to assess its potential value and market conditions before committing to a purchase.


Lease Option: Practical Example

Imagine John, an aspiring real estate investor, who wants to start building his portfolio but lacks the necessary funds for a down payment on a property. He comes across the concept of a lease option, which piques his interest.

John learns that a lease option is a real estate agreement that combines a lease agreement with an option to purchase the property at a later date. Intrigued by this flexible approach, John decides to explore how it works in a practical context.

One day, John comes across a property listed for rent with a lease option. The property is a charming two-bedroom house in a desirable neighborhood. The lease option agreement states that John can rent the property for a specified period, usually two to five years, with the option to buy it at a predetermined price within that timeframe.

Excited about the potential of becoming a homeowner, John decides to enter into the lease option agreement. He pays a non-refundable option fee and agrees on a monthly rental payment, part of which will be credited towards the eventual purchase price if he decides to exercise the option.

Over the next few years, John diligently pays his rent and takes good care of the property. During this time, he also works on improving his credit score and saving for a down payment. The lease option agreement allows him to lock in the purchase price, protecting him from potential market fluctuations.

As the lease period nears its end, John evaluates his financial situation and decides that he is ready to exercise the option and purchase the property. He notifies the property owner of his intent and proceeds with the necessary steps to secure financing for the purchase.

John successfully completes the purchase, becoming a proud homeowner. By utilizing a lease option, he was able to overcome the initial financial barrier and gradually work towards his goal of property ownership.

One day, John meets his friend Lisa, who is also interested in real estate investing. He tells her, “I started my real estate journey with a lease option. It allowed me to rent a property while having the option to buy it later at a predetermined price. It was a great way for me to get started in real estate without needing a large down payment upfront.”

Intrigued by John’s success story, Lisa decides to explore lease options as a potential strategy for her own real estate investment goals, recognizing the flexibility and benefits it offers.

Remember, lease options can be a useful tool for aspiring real estate investors who may not have the immediate funds for a down payment but want to secure a property for future purchase while building equity and working towards their financial goals.


Q: What is a lease option in real estate investing?
A: A lease option, also known as a rent-to-own or lease-purchase agreement, is a contractual arrangement where a property owner leases their property to a tenant with an option to purchase it at a predetermined price within a specified timeframe.

Q: How does a lease option work?
A: In a lease option, the tenant typically pays an upfront fee or an additional monthly premium, known as option consideration, to secure the right to purchase the property in the future. This option consideration is usually non-refundable and is credited towards the purchase price if the tenant exercises their option to buy.

Q: What are the benefits of using a lease option?
A: Lease options can be advantageous for both parties involved. For tenants, it provides an opportunity to live in the property they desire while having time to save for a down payment or improve their credit. For property owners, it offers potential income from rent, a higher selling price, and the ability to sell a property that may be difficult to sell conventionally.

Q: Can anyone enter into a lease option agreement?
A: Lease options are typically available to anyone, regardless of their credit score or financial situation. However, it is crucial for both parties to thoroughly evaluate the terms of the agreement and ensure they are comfortable with the obligations and risks involved.

Q: What happens if the tenant decides not to exercise their option to purchase?
A: If the tenant chooses not to exercise their option to purchase the property within the specified timeframe, the option consideration paid upfront or throughout the lease period is typically retained by the property owner. The tenant will then have to vacate the property at the end of the lease term.

Q: Can the purchase price be negotiated in a lease option agreement?
A: Yes, the purchase price can be negotiated and agreed upon at the beginning of the lease option agreement. This allows both parties to establish a fixed price, providing clarity and stability throughout the lease term.

Q: Are lease option agreements legally binding?
A: Yes, lease option agreements are legally binding contracts that outline the rights and responsibilities of both the tenant and the property owner. It is important for both parties to seek legal advice and ensure the agreement complies with local laws and regulations.

Q: Can a lease option agreement be terminated before the specified timeframe?
A: A lease option agreement can include provisions for early termination, but it ultimately depends on the terms agreed upon by both parties. It is essential to carefully review the agreement and understand the consequences of early termination before entering into the contract.

Q: Are lease option agreements common in real estate investing?
A: Lease options are a popular strategy in real estate investing, particularly for investors looking to generate rental income while potentially securing a higher selling price for their properties. However, the prevalence of lease options may vary depending on the local real estate market and individual investor preferences.

Q: What are some potential risks or drawbacks of using a lease option?
A: While lease options can be beneficial, they also come with potential risks. For tenants, if they are unable to secure financing or fulfill the purchase requirements within the specified timeframe, they may lose their option consideration and the opportunity to purchase the property. Property owners may face the risk of property depreciation, non-compliant tenants, or legal complexities if the agreement is not executed properly.